29 AprTNL Group participates in Posidonia 2022, and you're all invited to visit us at Stand 1.305 / Hall 1 6-10 June, Athens, Greece, Metropolitan Expo
11 FebJRC GPS Roll-Over day 15th May 2022 Affected equipment announcement
12 NovTNL Group wins the 1st position prize on annual turnover among all European distributors of JRC Europe for 2021.
08 OctTNL Group delivered a KONGSBERG DIGITAL K-SIM Engine Desktop Simulator with High Voltage Breaker at the International Hellenic University in Kavala
24 JunThe sea has beckoned and entranced for eons, and it's been a powerful, inevitable presence in poetry from its ancient beginnings, in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey" to the present day. It's a character, a god, a setting for exploration and war, an image touching all the human senses, a metaphor for the unseen world beyond senses.
17 MayTNL pays tribute to the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD)
16 AprAlphatron Marine Magazine hosted TNL Group's COO statements in its tribute to Greek Shipping.
16 AprShip Launch of TRINACRIA II at Perama, where TNL participated by equipping her bridge with JRC and ALPHATRON MARINE electronic systems and providing all the installation works for her navigation, communication, and security systems.