13 NovTNL team was present at the business hub for the maritime sector, Europort 2019 event, at the port city of Rotterdam and spent some time at Alphatron Marine’s Excellence Center.
16 OctTNL will stand next to our partners Intellian, holding “Intellian's Customer Event” on 22nd October 2019, at Athens Marriot Hotel.
26 SepTNL embraces the 2019 theme of World Maritime Day for "Empowering Women in the Maritime Community".
02 AugTNL Group are pleased to announce that we have entered into Agreement with Kongsberg Digital for the right to distribute K-SIM Training Simulation products...
16 JulAs a sponsor, we wish to ensure that 5th Andros International Festival will have all the resources required for a successful conduction that will please all attendees and will support Andros local community to the uttermost.
04 JulAnnouncement for the withdrawal of the IsatM2M satellite service with an end-of life date of 31 December 2020
05 MarJRC announces measures for GPS week number rollover for equipment that is to occur on some of the GPS' on 4th August 2019.
04 MarTNL has proudly supported HESGB Annual Dinner for one more year.