17 DecTNL Group - Customer Satisfaction Survey
10 OctExcited to share that TNL participated in the Annual JRC Event and was honoredwith the Top European Distributor award for our outstanding performance for 5th consecutive year!
28 DecAmendments to SOLAS chapters II-1, III, IV, and V, the appendix (Certificates), and the 1988 SOLAS Protocol (Certificates) were adopted by IMO MSC 105 through resolutions MSC.496(105) and MSC.496(105). These amendments become effective on January 1, 2024.
11 DecWe constantly strive to enhance your TNL experience, and we value your input on how we can achieve that. Taking just 5 minutes to participate in this survey will provide us with valuable feedback, crucial in shaping our customer service. Kindly click the link below to help us improve for you.
13 NovMintra, owners of Safebridge since 2021, has recently announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership with leading learning provider Furuno Maritime Training and expanded its comprehensive Generic and Type-Specific ECDIS portfolio with Furuno Type-Specific courses.
21 JulThe Maritime Safety Committee of IMO recognized that incompatibility might exist between VHF radio-communication equipment installed on ships and onshore and the revised frequencies and channeling arrangements for the maritime VHF bands as contained in appendix 18 to the ITU Radio Regulations (RR) – Edition 2020. This Circular should be updated to extend the deadline for updating VHF radiocommunication equipment to 1 January 2028. The revised circular will be distributed as MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.4.