SafeMetrix Soft Skills for Seafarers MET-3S

SafeMetrix Soft Skills for Seafarers MET-3S
SafeMetrix Soft Skills for Seafarers MET-3S

Soft, “non-technical skills” of officers are becoming increasingly important on board, accelerated by changing workforce and automation of many technical tasks.


MET-3S is a psychometric assessment, specifically developed for the maritime industry. The product offers insights into the “soft skills” of officers on board across 13 skills grouped in 3 clusters:

  • Coping under pressure
  • Self-management
  • Interpersonal skills


Compared to other psychometric assessments, MET-3S was developed specifically for assessing the competence of crews on board. The tested skills are selected after a thorough job analysis of the different ranks on board to match the requirement of the position. This psychometric assessment is based on self-reported behaviours and attitudes. In this way, it complements the practice of using quarterly appraisals by superiors to measure the non-technical skills, thus deepening the understanding of the officers’ strengths and weaknesses and counterbalancing for biased or unfair judgment.


MET-3S is suitable to be used in selection, learning and development as well as the promotion of crews in combination with other tools such as personal interviews, work samples and technical assessments.



For the crewing manager:

  • Online management
  • Remote administration
  • Immediate reporting
  • Company and individual performance reports
  • Comparison to industry norms
  • Customised passing scores
  • Optional company norms scoring


For the test taker

  • Available anytime, anywhere
  • Access to glossary during test
  • Standardised experience