Maritime Law Courses

Maritime Law Courses
Maritime Law Courses

MINTRA provides Maritime Law Courses, such as German Shipping Law and UK Legal and Administrative Processes Grade 2 courses.


The German Shipping Law is authorized by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). It is suitable for non-German management level officers (chief mates, chief engineers and second engineers).


The German Shipping Law is available for one (1) month. The TestMe mode can be accessed if the trainee watches the 80% of the video tutorials, whereas the standard success rate of the TestMe mode is 80%. Upon successful completion of the TestMe, a certificate is issued, which is valid for five (5) years.


The UK Legal and Administrative Processes Grade 2 is created in accordance with the MCA guidelines. It is suitable for non-UK officers (all Chief Mates, Chief Engineers and Second Engineer) working onboard vessels registered in the UK.


The UKLAP is available for 30 days. The TestMe mode can be accessed if the trainee watches the 80% of the video tutorials, whereas the standard success rate of the TestMe is 70%.