Safebridge offers the following Generic ECDIS related courses:
> ECDIS Training for Maritime Pilots
> ECDIS Basics
Safebridge offers the following Generic ECDIS related courses:
> ECDIS Training for Maritime Pilots
> ECDIS Basics
The ECDIS Training for Maritime Pilots course is specifically designed for pilots operating the onboard ECDIS equipment. The course covers generic ECDIS training and type-specific modules for various manufacturers and is available for 365 days. This course does not include a TestMe mode, only GuideMe, and upon completion no certificate is issued.
The ECDIS Basics course is suitable for anyone requiring knowledge of the general principles and features.
The course is available for 30 days. TestMe mode can be accessed once the trainee watches 50% of the video tutorials, whereas the standard success rate of the TestMe is 70%. Upon successful completion of the TestMe, a certificate is issued, which does not have an expiration date.