General Navigation Courses

General Navigation Courses
General Navigation Courses

MINTRA provides General Navigation Courses, such as Mastering Daily Navigation and Safe Navigation in Confined Waters.


The Mastering Daily Navigation was developed in cooperation with our nautical authors. The course acts as a refresher on primary navigation-related knowledge the officer must have while onboard, with an emphasis on developing an ECDIS mindset.


The Mastering Daily Navigation course is available for three (3) months. The TestMe mode can be accessed if the trainee watches the 70% of the video tutorials, whereas the standard success rate of the TestMe mode is 90%. Upon successful completion of the TestMe, a certificate is issued, which does not have an expiration date.

The Safe Navigation in Confined Waters is developed with the guidance of Professor Capt. Ralph Becker-Heins in cooperation with our nautical authors. The course refreshes the basics of digital passage planning. It deals with the crucial aspects to be considered during confined water navigation.


The Safe Navigation in Confined Waters course is available for three (3) months. The TestMe mode can be accessed if the trainee watches the 70% of the video tutorials, whereas the standard success rate of the TestMe mode is 90%. Upon successful completion of the TestMe, a certificate is issued, which does not have an expiration date.