ANSCHUTZ eLog - Electronic Logbook

eLog is an electronic logbook consisting of a small gateway computer and a web browser application. eLog enables automated and digitized logbook entries that eliminate the cost and effort of paper logbook logistics while guaranteeing high data quality and global data access.
The innovation features automatic data entries from the navigation systems, supported data inputs via laptops or mobile devices, and a data interface to a cloud, making the electronic logbook a significant step toward paperless shipping and offering significantly improved efficiency of onboard processes.
eLog eliminates the risk of improperly filled or incomplete logbooks.
- Logbook data entries are legible, consistent and complete
- Automatic data inputs of navigational sensor data at a defined time interval
- User-friendly templates for fast and reliable manual logbook entries
- Plausibility checks of logbook data for higher data quality
- Reduces workload for crews, lower risk of errors
- Secure, tamperproof digital archiving of data
- Personalized users, approval workflow through all command levels
- Data access from anywhere in the world through a modern web interface
- Digital entries can be searched, filtered, archived and exported
the starting point for more efficient processes onboard and for reports.
- No more costs and efforts for paper logbook logistic and handling
- Low initial cost for setup and installation (can be done by ship’s electrician)
- Enables shore side inspection of data or reuse of data for other applications
- Growing scope of logbooks, significant step toward paperless shipping
All traditional logbook entries can be made and viewed. The user enters new logbook entries with consistently high quality, regardless of disruptive factors such as fatigue, stress or weather. Incorrect entries can be edited, the change is displayed in a traceable manner. Vessel particulars can be set or add a new voyage. Settings and information are available, for example a complete digital user manual. The scope and the configuration of eLog may vary from ship to ship. eLog is independent of the manufacturer of the AIS or the navigation systems.