Anschütz offers customers proven navigation system solutions and expertise in navigation system integration, based on more than 100 years in the navigation business and more than 900 integrated bridge systems supplied. Integrated navigation systems (INS) engineered and customized by Anschütz focus on safety, performance and simplicity.
Synapsis Intelligent Bridge Control is the latest generation of INS and is type-approved according to IMO´s INS performance standards MSC.252(83)/IEC 61924-2. The INS covers task- oriented workstations providing full access to all nautical functions, intelligent data and alarm management systems, high- performance sensors for target detection, heading, position and further navigation data, advanced steering control systems with standardized and harmonized user interfaces as well as GMDSS radio communication systems.
System integration from Anschütz means customer oriented performance and maximum flexibility according to individual needs and classification requirements. We provide personal assistance during the whole system life cycle, including equipment and project engineering as well as logistics, super- vision of installation, commissioning, crew training and after sales service. All solutions are backed up with qualified, world- wide service around the clock to ensure reliable operation and maximum availability of the vessel.
The Anschütz INS fulfills basic IMO requirements as well as highest class notations. The use of standard hardware and software allows the configuration of modular system solu-tions, from the tanker or containership through the offshore supply ship and the mega yacht to the cruise ship.